Classic Games for OS/2 Warp
Classic Games for OS2 Warp (1995)(IBM).iso
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Assembly Source File
482 lines
.model small
option oldstructs
include d:\cw\cw.inc
include d:\cw\cw-undoc.inc
include mdv.inc
b equ byte ptr
w equ word ptr
d equ dword ptr
f equ fword ptr
;Load and initialise DigPak and MidPak drivers.
;On Entry:
;On Exit:
;Carry set on error and AX=error code.
;Error codes:
;0 - no error.
;1 - file not found.
;2 - not enough memory.
;3 - corrupt driver file.
;All of the other routines can be called after this routine has failed to
;initialise the drivers. This code sets a flag which is checked by the other
;routines which will simply exit without doing anything if the drivers arn't
InitDigMid proc near
public InitDigMid
cmp HaveDigMid,0 ;Check if we already loaded the
jnz @@8 ;drivers.
;Load the relavent driver files.
sys cwGetPatch
cmp d[edx+4],0
jz @@GetDig
mov edx,[edx+4]
mov sDriverAddr,edx
jmp @@GotDig
@@GetDig: ;
mov edx,offset DigName ;DigPak selected driver name,
sys cwLoad
jc @@9
mov sDriverAddr,edx
mov w[sDriverAddr+4],si
mov edi,sDriverAddr
call MDV_Init[edi] ;Call init code.
jc @@9 ;oops, some kind of problem.
@@GotDig: ;
sys cwGetPatch
cmp d[edx],0
jz @@GetMid
mov edx,[edx]
mov mDriverAddr,edx
jmp @@GotMid
@@GetMid: ;
mov edx,offset MidName ;MidPak selected driver name.
sys cwLoad
jc @@9
mov mDriverAddr,edx
mov w[mDriverAddr+4],si
mov edi,mDriverAddr
mov eax,50
call MDV_Init[edi] ;Call init code.
jc @@9 ;oops, some kind of problem.
@@GotMid: ;
@@8: mov HaveDigMid,1 ;flag driver present.
xor ax,ax
@@9: push ax ;save error code.
call RemDigMid ;Remove everything on error.
pop ax
InitDigMid endp
;Remove DigPak and MidPak drivers.
RemDigMid proc near
public RemDigMid
;Make sure no Midi stuff playing.
call StopDigi
call StopMidi
call RemDigiFile
call RemMidiFile
;Need to de-init MidPak if it was initialised.
cmp w[mDriverAddr+4],0 ;Did we make the init call?
jz @@0
mov edi,mDriverAddr
call MDV_Rem[edi] ;Call remove code.
xor bx,bx
xchg bx,w[mDriverAddr+4]
sys RelMem
;Now release memory allocated for all MidPak chunks.
@@0: xor bx,bx
xchg bx,MidiFileSeg
or bx,bx
jz @@3
sys RelMem
;Need to de-init DigPak if it was initialised.
@@3: cmp w[sDriverAddr+4],0 ;Did we make the init call?
jz @@4
mov edi,sDriverAddr
call MDV_Rem[edi] ;Call remove code.
xor bx,bx
xchg bx,w[sDriverAddr+4]
sys RelMem
@@4: mov HaveDigMid,0
RemDigMid endp
;Load and register a midi file.
;On Entry:
;DS:DX - file name.
;On Exit:
;Carry set on error and AX=error code else,
;Error Codes:
;0 - no error.
;1 - file not found.
;2 - not enough memory.
;3 - MidPak driver not loaded.
InitMidiFile proc near
public InitMidiFile
mov ax,3
cmp HaveDigMid,1 ;check drivers are loaded.
jc @@9
call RemMidiFile ;lose anything already loaded.
call LoadAllocate ;load requested file.
jc @@9
mov MidiFileSeg,dx ;stow this for release.
or MIDIUsed,-1
xor ax,ax
@@9: ret
InitMidiFile endp
;Load and register a digi file.
;On Entry:
;DS:DX - file name.
;On Exit:
;Carry set on error and AX=error code else,
;Error Codes:
;0 - no error.
;1 - file not found.
;2 - not enough memory.
;3 - DigPak driver not loaded.
InitDigiFile proc near
public InitDigiFile
mov ax,3
cmp HaveDigMid,1 ;check drivers are loaded.
jc @@9
call RemDigiFile
call LoadAllocate ;load requested file.
jc @@9
mov DigiFileSeg,dx ;stow this for release.
xor ax,ax
@@9: ret
InitDigiFile endp
;Make sure no midi stuff is playing and release memory used by current file.
RemMidiFile proc near
public RemMidiFile
xor bx,bx
xchg bx,MidiFileSeg ;check if a previous allocation
or bx,bx ;needs releaseing.
jz @@0
call StopMidi
sys RelMem ;release memory.
@@0: popad
RemMidiFile endp
;Make sure no digi stuff is playing and release memory used by current file.
RemDigiFile proc near
public RemDigiFile
xor dx,dx
xchg dx,DigiFileSeg
or dx,dx
jz @@0
call StopDigi
mov bx,dx
sys RelMem
@@0: popad
RemDigiFile endp
;Start X-Midi sequence playing.
;On Entry:
;AX - Sequence number.
PlayMidi proc near
public PlayMidi
cmp HaveDigMid,1
jc @@9
or MIDIUsed,-1
call StopMidi
push eax
push esi
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
mov bx,MidiFileSeg
sys GetSelDet32
mov esi,edx
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
mov eax,1
mov edi,mDriverAddr
call MDV_Play[edi] ;Play tune.
pop esi
pop eax
@@9: ret
PlayMidi endp
;Update Midi player.
UpdateMidi proc near
public UpdateMidi
cmp HaveDigMid,1
jc @@9
push edi
mov edi,mDriverAddr
call MDV_Update[edi] ;Update tune.
pop edi
@@9: ret
UpdateMidi endp
;Start a digi sample playing.
;On Entry:
;AX - Sample number.
PlayDigi proc near
public PlayDigi
cmp HaveDigMid,1
jc @@9
movzx edi,ax
shl edi,2
add edi,4
push es
mov es,DigiFileSeg
mov esi,es:[edi]
mov ecx,es:[edi]
and ecx,0FFFFFFh
sub ecx,2
add esi,5
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov bx,es
sys GetSelDet32
add esi,edx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
mov edi,sDriverAddr
call MDV_Play[edi] ;Play sample.
pop es
@@9: popad
@@return: ret
PlayDigi endp
;Stop any midi sounds that are playing.
StopMidi proc near
public StopMidi
cmp HaveDigMid,1
jc @@9
cmp MIDIUsed,0
jz @@9
push edi
mov edi,mDriverAddr
call MDV_Stop[edi] ;Update tune.
pop edi
@@9: ret
StopMidi endp
;Stop any digi sounds that are playing.
StopDigi proc near
public StopDigi
cmp HaveDigMid,1
jc @@9
push edi
mov edi,sDriverAddr
call MDV_Stop[edi] ;Update tune.
pop edi
@@9: ret
StopDigi endp
;Allocate memory for, and load, specified file.
;On Entry:
;DS:DX - File name.
;On Exit:
;Carry set on error and AX=error code else,
;DX - Selector for memory file loaded to.
;SI - low word length.
;DI - high word length.
;Error codes:
;0 - no error.
;1 - file not found.
;2 - not enough memory.
;All other registers preserved.
LoadAllocate proc near
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h
mov bx,ax
jc @@10
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov ax,4202h
int 21h
shl edx,16
mov dx,ax
push edx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
pop ecx
push bx
sys GetMem32
mov ax,bx
pop bx
jc @@9
push ax
push ds
mov ds,ax
xor edx,edx
@@read: or cx,-1
mov ah,3fh ;Read the driver into memory.
int 21h
jc @@readover
movzx eax,ax
add edx,eax
or eax,eax
jnz @@read
@@readover: pop ds
pop dx
jc @@9
push dx
mov ah,3eh ;close the file.
int 21h
pop dx
@@9: mov ah,3eh ;close the file.
int 21h
@@10: stc
LoadAllocate endp
public HaveDigMid, sDriverAddr, mDriverAddr, MIDIUsed
HaveDigMid db 0
sDriverAddr dd 0,0
DigiFileSeg dw 0
DigName db